Tag: Document
Prevent automatic insertion of current date in Word
This is in reference to a query posted by one of the blog reader on “how to prevent the date field getting automatically updated with the current date in a Word document. We had already seen the steps required to insert current date or modify date format for the date in Word 2016, 2013 &…
Different page size in the same document in Word 2013 & Word 2010
This post is in reply to a query posted by a blog reader that Is it possible to set a different page size, for one page, within a document of another page size. I have a multipage document in A4, I want to insert an A3 page size in the middle in landscape orientation, so…
How to password protect a Open Office document
OpenOffice document can be password protected using the Save As option. Click the File menu –> Select Save As option. This would display the following Save As dialog box. Enter the file name for the document and mark the checkbox with label as Save with password and Click the Save button. This would now prompt…