Turn off display search as you type in Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Outlook provides option to display search results as we type the text in search box. This is a useful feature but if you think the real-time search result is a distraction then you can disable “display search as you type” feature using Search options. Listed below are steps to turn off this feature in Outlook 2016, Outlook 2013, Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2007

display search as you type in Outlook 2013

Outlook 2016, Outlook 2013 and Outlook 2010

Click File menu, select Options from the list.

Options in Outlook 2013

In the Options window, click Search Options and navigate to Results section.

Search options in Outlook 2013

Un mark the check box with caption as “When possible, display results as the query is typed

turn off display results as the query is typed in Outlook 2013

Outlook 2007

display search results as you type in Outlook 2007


And to disable this feature, click on the drop down arrow available in the search box. This would display the following menus

Search Options in Outlook 2007


Navigate to Search Options and click it open the Search Option dialog box.

display search results as I type


The search section has an option for enabling or disabling the display search results as I type. By un ticking the checkbox this feature can be disabled.

Also See: 15 tips to use Google search effectively


3 responses to “Turn off display search as you type in Microsoft Outlook”

  1. Hi, thank your very much for this tip. I often tried to disable Instant Search, but did not know how to. I use Lookeen and Instant Search was running at the same time.
    Now Instant Search steals no more ressources of my machine and Lookeen needs nearly no ressources anyway…

  2. […] Also See: Turn off display search as you type in Microsoft Outlook […]

  3. Matthew Brightman Avatar
    Matthew Brightman

    The problem is that as you are typing, the cursor moves to a different place. For example, if I’m searching for an email from Zuckerberg, as I type Zucke in the from field Outlook will then place the cursor at the start of line from:Zucke so it ends up like this: rbergfrom:Zucke which does nothing good.

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